Tuesday, 23 June 2015

king kong scene anaylisis

here is a wides shot of the women and we are able to see that she is holding o  for her life unaware of what is about to happen

here is a close up of the dinosaur in an extreme close up that gives the effect of too close for cofort

here is a close up of the women as she hears roaring 

it cuts to a wide shot of trees being moved emphasizing the size of what ever is about to come

a mid shot of king kong as he leaps trough the air in an attempt at a rescue mission

here is a mid shot of kong fighting the dinosaurs. its not as hard to distinguish which shot it is compared to a shot with people, as kong seems almost human in the wrestling match he engages in. it is quite human like

here is a mid shot where we are able to get close enough to see her reaction as she realizes there is another threat

here in this wide shot we see the dinosaur in full persuit. it is captured in this shot as it is more effective. we are able to respond to what is about to happen as we are given time in this shot.

here is a close-up shot of kong. these are small glimpses that gives us an insight to his human reactions as he realizes what is about to happen

in this wide shot we are able to get the full effect of the drop. the longer time in this cut gives us enough time to see and grasp the danger they are in

in this wide shot we see the danger and the rough length of the fall.

harry potter scene anylisis

this scene harry potter and his class mates are in potions class. they are competting for a vial of liquid luck. here in this close up we see the book is not harrys but property of the half blood prince. i think this is the climax of the whole movie as we wonder for the first time who is the half blood prince

in this head and shoulders shot we see the chracter is looking around so see if anyone has seen what he has seen, like its a secret already

here is a close up of him realizing that there is alot of scribbles all over the book showing corrections that helps him win

here is a mid shot of him following the instruction. its important that we see he is trusting the book with all its corrections, as his classmate objects to what he is doing.

in a mid shot we see he is trying to say he is right and explaining himself by following what it says in his book

here in this mid shot we see one of his classmates completly failing her  potion as the shot is wide enough to capture her hair in its frazzled state rather than showing a close-up of her expression. this is a more effective shot oppose to a close up.

here we see in an extreme close up exact corrections, and we see that he follows it by the slow pan of the shot

a close up on the pride as thats what the are all working towards

a mid wide shot of all the classmates as they see they havent won the prize

another mid wide shot of harry as he wins the prize. this is important to the movie, as it gives him the luck to find out who to defeat lord voldemort

breaking bad

here we start with an over the shot close up of jackson worrying the eyeball
here we wonder what hes thinking and the focus on the object is long enough for us as an audience to question its importance

an over the shoulder shot of me entering the door. the character is suppose to be a little quiet but with a mission

here in this wide shot we were to capture the fact that this was sort of a business meeting, as in skyler being all business

in these mid shots of me and jackson sitting down, we are able to see our expressions more easier and it seems more personal to the veiwer

in this mid shot of skyler sitting down, we see her expression which is serious and that she has intentions

here is a closer shot of jackson and we are able to see that his expression in one of pain as gail has just left. This is important as there is alot to say about this character in this situation. this is also the beginning of a slow zoom

here we decide to go with an extreme close up to get his full reaction. I thought this was cleverly used because the audience would feel discomfort in the too close for comfort shot, which adds to how we may feel for the character in this situation.

Mad men

here in this scene we shot it in the moving image studio and we were able to recruit some of our class mates and there was about seven people in the scene. here we are using a wide shot of us to set the scene showing that we are all present at the meeting

here is a wideshot on the line which we are able to use as our hindging point. by having a hindge we are able to cross the 180 line, breaking the rule when its necessary to establish the grouping in the scene. 

we used a wide shot hindge to go from a cut on one side to the 180 line to the other, and we were able to get an over the shoulder shot of shanaz talking to me.

then cutting to this mid shot as i replied to her

we used another hinge here so that we were able to go on to the other side of the 180 line.

then we finished with a front wide shot of all of us to end the scene and close it. I think this was effective as at the end of the scene we werent really focusing on any specific characters

12 monkeys

here i this scene of the 12 monkeys we start in a closeup of pete. This is intentional as the whole scene is on him

here is a zoom out pan to me as we reveal thats hes not alone. if we had audio, we wouldve gotten the fact that it was her dialogue that clued us in that pete wasnt alone, which causes the pan zoom to make sense. here it just looks like the camera is moving as randomly as pete is moving his head due to no audio.

here i thought it was a weird shot but just decided to call it an over the shoulder shot even though we're lying down.

in this side-on over the shoulder shot, we still get the fact that they are both having a conversation, as he is suppose to be washing his face in the make shift bathroom.

 here we decided on a tilt pan, to get him leaving. i thought this was effective, maybe amature looking but we were able to cut a few shots by doing this and i thought it worked ok.


here is just a random animation that i wanted to do just to have fun with the pin tool

i made a worm with a brush stroke on photoshop after deleting the background layer, and exported it, then imported it to after affects

snowman animation

here i decided to do a snowman for the winter themed animation
in photoshop i created a new layer and deleted the background, i then made a new layer for every part of the snowman ie. head, mid, bottom, r arm, l arm, buttons scarf, hat, l eye, r eye, nose, and mouth

I imported it into after affects and used the puppet tool to put pins on all the layers, and then key framed them moving the time line along, copying some key frames here and there

there was some layers i didnt key frame so there was no movement as i kept loosing track of all the layers. I need to find a shortcut instead of clicking on a layer, then clicking a pin, then in the composition box, clicking puppet, mesh, deform then adding key frames...
i then exported it, then put it through media encoder

after i finish it, i exported it to premier and put music and a vignette around it.


doing my little blob animation i just made a whole bunch of layers and imported it in premier

in premier i made 5-6 puppet pins on the arms and legs creating key frames which was funny and kinda cool once i got into it,

now that i get the gist of very very basic animation i think it would be cool to experiment more and more with it.

instead of working on a blob it would be cool to actually animate an actual character. maybe given more time it would look cooler than a blob, but still it was fun

the bwink was funny to work with as it looks like a weird eye twitch, and i couldnt be bothered adding more pins

didn't put the video up because it was too big.