Tuesday 23 June 2015

breaking bad

here we start with an over the shot close up of jackson worrying the eyeball
here we wonder what hes thinking and the focus on the object is long enough for us as an audience to question its importance

an over the shoulder shot of me entering the door. the character is suppose to be a little quiet but with a mission

here in this wide shot we were to capture the fact that this was sort of a business meeting, as in skyler being all business

in these mid shots of me and jackson sitting down, we are able to see our expressions more easier and it seems more personal to the veiwer

in this mid shot of skyler sitting down, we see her expression which is serious and that she has intentions

here is a closer shot of jackson and we are able to see that his expression in one of pain as gail has just left. This is important as there is alot to say about this character in this situation. this is also the beginning of a slow zoom

here we decide to go with an extreme close up to get his full reaction. I thought this was cleverly used because the audience would feel discomfort in the too close for comfort shot, which adds to how we may feel for the character in this situation.

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